Big Trouble in Little Japan

The internet is a magical land fueled by Angels and Demons (by Dan Brown)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

widdew tokyo

Ok, so Tokyo isn't so little. I haven't really gotten a chance to see it in my few days here, which is a bit of a shame, but seeing as how I live only an hour or so away, i won't lose any sleep over it. I could say a few things about the city, but they're rallly based only on my wanderings through one part, Shinjuku, where my hotel is located. Its a relatively central district with all the japanese urban amenities like karaoke bars, noodle shacks, korean barbeque, konbinis (convenient stores), and a bajillion people, everywhere, all the time. What a huge city. It seems to strangely make sense and have a kind of organization that i can't follow. There's almost no litter or garbage as far as i can tell though. Well its there, but i mean when i think of big cities, i think of new york, and boy that place has plenty of garbage all over. Weird little tokyo, i'll be back.


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