thank you japanese travel agency
My search for the best tickets to America has ended. After encountering many different hassles and getting sidetracked and confused online, I made a trip to a Japanese travel agency. I didn't really think that would lead to much because of both the language barrier and how overpriced Japanese "deals" seem to be... but in the end me and Amber now have tickets that cost about 200 dollars less than we originally tried to pay (but my card, perhaps for better, didn't work).
Regardless, here it is: I will leave Japan July 19, and will depart America August 18. I am flying into Boston, where Amber will meet her "relos" (that means relatives) and do Australian things with them for about a few days to a week. In the mean time I'll make my way to the New York area where I hope to find as many of my friends as possible. Or maybe just relish that signs are in English.
So soon after I will meet up again with Amber, and we will continue hanging around the northeast. The places i'd like to go include new york, state college, nepa, Philadelphia, lancaster, and DC (or wherever Jacob is). THEN comes time to go to Florida, where my parents will be LIVING(!!). How I'm getting there is yet to be decided, but it may turn out to be a road trip with baby Shmoo. In that case Chapel Hill NC will be a must stop place, as Amber has relatives there and Jacob has stomping grounds there.
Then I will alas push off from these shores yet again in order to make more money and save up for my trip to Australia this winter. In the mean time I am researching my next move in America, including jobs, internships, and school. I will simply make my way back home when its time for that thing to begin, whenever it is.
I'll contain myself in this blog, but rest assured, I'm very excited to come home.
The other big news that should be reported is that I have a car and have been driving these last few days. For proof:

Amber took these pictures of me the first morning I drove to work in my little toyota.
It is nice to be mobile, but I'm afraid I have to take my new-found freedom with a grain of salt. My international drivers license expires in just over a month, at which point it will become necessary for me to obtain a Japanese Drivers license. I have to take a test (in Japanese) which is notorious among ex-pat Americans as being very difficult. In fact, I tried to buy a car off of an American a few months ago who had to sell it because after attempting 7 times he gave up on the test. Of course Aussies, Brits, and Kiwis are exempt from this and can just have their license translated. Dammit.
I'll keep you updated though.
Tomorrow I'm off to Tokyo for a JET seminar on being a super great awesome english teacher in japan. I'm less than thrilled, but they do pay for me to stay in Tokyo for a few days and maybe its better than work. I'm more looking forward to my return to Tokyo the following Friday when I will go to a concert (Shugo Takumaru) in one of my fave areas of Tokyo. And then meet up with a Japanese teacher from my school elsewhere in the city on Sunday. And then.. well.. .back to the grind. But only for a month or so! Then the great big (and maybe a little dumb) shores of our great big (maybe a little fat) country beckon.
The only other piece of news in my life worth mentioning has been my new occasional post at an elementary school. For a week at a time every month or two I will now be going to Nakagawa Shogakkou, a nearby elementary school (which in Japan means children age 6-12). So for five days I taught every class at this school of 700 or so students. Teaching the very young students is a very different experience than teaching my usual middle school teenagers. But.. they are SO cute. I'm not sure why or how, but little Japanese children are even cuter than little whitey kids (who can be plenty cute as well). They are so happy and excited and energetic and touchy and smiley and happy to do as much as they possibly can with me. Of course they in turn expect a lot from me, and I become the main teacher for the whole period. So it is more work and responsibility than my usual day at middle school... but the kids are so cute! Their questions were maybe the cutest, and included things like "how many cousins do you have?" "is time the same in foreign countries as Japan?" "Is there medicine in America?" and a slew of other cute ones.
There's always too much in my head to really write down at once, and if I did that then there would be no reason for you to keep reading right? So rest assured that the next time I update I'll have something new and exciting for you to read about. Or something anyway.
Stay well and see you soon.
Aaron! Aaron Aaron! We're gonna hang out!
Update your blog... some people might like to know what you're doin'... Not me of course... I know what your doing. It's not for my benefit, but I do like to read about myself
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