And We're back...
Well there was a longer pause between posts than I expected, but let's not waste time with excuses.
I left off last time with the joy of having my Japanese drivers license. Or, more specifically, the joy of having passed the test and looking forward to the final part of this ordeal. But of course just picking up the license itself is an ordeal, taking just over 3 hours at the DMV. Part of the reason it takes so long is because they shove everyone into a room and show a video about all the great services to the driving bureau provides to the community. Then some uniformed ladies pass around slips of paper with the option to give a donation to the agency so these services can continue. And in return you get a nice little leather case for your new license! After waiting for over 2 hours because they only process foreigners in the same 20 minute span in the afternoon I did NOT feel like giving them MORE money for their wonderful services.
BUT in the end... here it is:
But before I got sidetracked I was talking about America. Ah yes, America. I really enjoyed my trip back, though perhaps I made it a little too busy for people as small as me and Amber. We have only little legs after all. But I left off in PA. So next up after that was good 'ol New York City. At this point i should also note that Amber has taken a fair number of the pictures I've posted so far, and that will probably continue to be the case. So a hearty good on ya to Amber, in the most steve irwin accent i can muster.
Shortly after arriving in New York we met with Amber's uncle Tony for yummy Turkish food and not quite as yummy strange Turkish drink.
Then we met these hoodlums. Roopali was having a bit of a birthday bash that weekend, so we hit the lower east side for some east village kicks.
And we danced. O how we danced.
The next day me and Amber took a step back. In fact, a step back into my early childhood. Both consciously and unconsciously I basically retraced the steps my family must've taken about 18 years ago. As a 4-5 year old in the city this of course means Central Park and the Museum of Natural History. The dinosaurs looming in the lobby of this building loom even greater in my mind, even higher than the incredibly tall Brontosaurus stood in real life. Memory can play funny tricks like that.
Later that day we caught the subway out to Williamsburg Brooklyn to see a free concert at McCarren park. I didn't really think it through, and my plan of catching the last hour or so of the concert was not a very good one. We ended up spending a lot of time in line, though we did still catch the last maybe 40 minutes. We spent at least that much time or maybe longer waiting to get in though. People watching silly Brooklynites was the only thing that made it slightly bearable. That and I could hear the bands I like playing just over a fence.
That day we also got some great pizza from a man whom my friend swears spends 20 hours a day serving people by yelling at them. And if the customer doesn't yell back, then he'll yell at you to get out of his damn way. Lots of yelling. Very new york.
Here's me and Ambs on Coney Island, our destination the next day.

This is me and Ben practicing Capoeira, that brazilian dance-fight thing. "Graceful" I believe is the most accurate word for our very complex rhythms and movements.
Here's our beach buddies on the subway. Roopali is maturely touching Ben's chest as I maturely catch it on film.
This is how funny Amber thought I was being.
It was Alex's birthday too! This picture makes it look like Ben got this cake for her. But actually his Mom did while we were out eating, and even a little present for her son's girlfriend's birthday. So cute! This is the same mom who let us use her small apartment for a few days, so she's ok in my book.
Our next stop, I don't think I have any pictures of actually. I'm not sure why. Washington D.C. was a fun little stopover, but perhaps I was just not feeling touristy enough to take snapshots of everything I see. I feel Japanese enough as it is. Usually Amber has no qualms with that though, and I wonder why she didn't take any pictures either... Regardless, we spent two nights there at Amber's cousin's place, which happens to be right next to my best buddy's Jake's lil apartment! After some playing around with both of them, and a lovely late night (well not that late) stroll through the Mall and capital area, we began to make our way to the NEXT stop along our way...
North Carolina!
We spent a rather pleasant few days in the Chapel Hill / Raleigh area hanging out with Jake and his buddies (Jake is from this area):
I believe Jake and Lindsay told Mikey about the "judging" face that I make, and this is his impersonation. I couldn't have asked for a better face from Amber.
These two interesting folks Amber appears slightly uncomfortable around are close family friends of her Mum's, and are the real reason she wanted to head down this way. I'm sure she'd had enough of me and my friends' antics by this point. Not that this nice couple and their morning beers weren't up to no good either...

Maybe a bit of a highlight of this part of the trip for me was an afternoon at this good ol swimmin' hole that Jake and his friends from home have made great use of. Nice enough on its own, but the real kicker is this awesome rope swing that made the whole experience that much more fun. Even though I look like a doofus using it. Equally fun was hearing the story about how a year or so ago Jacob rode the swing, but got too scared to let go and held onto it the whole way as it swung back towards the tree its attached to, with the predictable result of Jacob and a tree painfully colliding. Well, painful for Jacob. Funny for everyone else.
Our time in the South was not over though! My parents recently made the move to Florida, which you can read all about on my father's blog: And for someone who insists on ME updating MY blog, I think you'll find that he's not exactly a pro blogger either. But I love him anyway.
My father also posted pictures he took while me and Amber were in Florida here:
I'm not sure if that will work though, as you need to sign in and whatnot. Here's a few from the highlight of the trip, when me and Shana were both together in Florida, which unfortunately was only the case for less than 2 days.

These pictures are all from St. Augustine Beach, about an hour and half away from Gainesville on the Atlantic. Nice beach, warm water, and my family who I haven't seen in a while. The contented smile on my face is about as real as it can get.
In fact, about all I could've asked for is more time. I felt I was leaving too early, from America in general and Florida specifically. But then, I felt I was leaving every place a little too early. Of course the answer is, I'll have to come back. (I promise, I will!)
Amber and the Gitlin family's days were also spent tubing down a river, snorkeling in some springs, watching a bunch of movies, eating a lot of ice cream, doing a little bit of reorganizing, petting mookie the bunny, and general relaxing. Again, what more could I ask for (not reorganizing I guess. And maybe for weather below 100 degrees with 100% humidity)? It was tough saying goodbye, a process made more difficult by our 7am departure flight. Yuck. At least amber looked good on the plane:

Well, that was my trip to America. I'm back in Japan now, back to the grind. Amber is currently without a grind, but is in the process of looking for one. Pin the lack of her own blogs on that account. Our minds are perhaps elsewhere though, as we are discussing what is next. All we have down is that we're going to go to Australia this northern winter/southern summer. But for how long? I have 7 vacation days left after failing to make a deal with my boss. Not much of an international vacation I'm afraid. But my mind is pretty made up on this point, and I won't let my less than thrilling job stand in the way of that decision. Or perhaps my boss will give way with a little more pushing? We'll see.
In the mean time me and Amber have been having some pretty good weekends. She's got a friend/acquaintance from Aus who is quickly becoming a mini-star (one of my first conversations ever with Amber came from me asking if she heard this band Gotye, and it turns out to be this guy that she actually does know!) who came to Tokyo last weekend, and we went to see his gig Saturday night. It started super late, too late for us to take a train to a cheaper part of town for accommodation, so a guy from the Aussie embassy who was also at the gig took us in and we stayed at the most palatial apartment I've ever seen, which is made even more ridiculous by its presence in such an incredibly packed city. The next day I felt like a rock star mooch by getting into an all day rock fest for free, and then getting back stage passes for free too, all because of our somewhat loose connection to this guy Wally (aka Gotye, aka the Basics). It was a sweet deal and I got to watch some pretty big (pseudo underground) Tokyo rockers hang out "backstage" (the parking lot behind the venue) and even got to eat their food. Wish I could speak more Japanese though... Incentive to keep practicing I suppose. I also wish I took some pictures, as I don't' know when else I'll be hanging out with Tokyo rock stars. Hopefully someday though.

Later that day we caught the subway out to Williamsburg Brooklyn to see a free concert at McCarren park. I didn't really think it through, and my plan of catching the last hour or so of the concert was not a very good one. We ended up spending a lot of time in line, though we did still catch the last maybe 40 minutes. We spent at least that much time or maybe longer waiting to get in though. People watching silly Brooklynites was the only thing that made it slightly bearable. That and I could hear the bands I like playing just over a fence.
That day we also got some great pizza from a man whom my friend swears spends 20 hours a day serving people by yelling at them. And if the customer doesn't yell back, then he'll yell at you to get out of his damn way. Lots of yelling. Very new york.

Our next stop, I don't think I have any pictures of actually. I'm not sure why. Washington D.C. was a fun little stopover, but perhaps I was just not feeling touristy enough to take snapshots of everything I see. I feel Japanese enough as it is. Usually Amber has no qualms with that though, and I wonder why she didn't take any pictures either... Regardless, we spent two nights there at Amber's cousin's place, which happens to be right next to my best buddy's Jake's lil apartment! After some playing around with both of them, and a lovely late night (well not that late) stroll through the Mall and capital area, we began to make our way to the NEXT stop along our way...
North Carolina!
We spent a rather pleasant few days in the Chapel Hill / Raleigh area hanging out with Jake and his buddies (Jake is from this area):

Our time in the South was not over though! My parents recently made the move to Florida, which you can read all about on my father's blog: http://shrinkwrap-shrinkrap
My father also posted pictures he took while me and Amber were in Florida here:
I'm not sure if that will work though, as you need to sign in and whatnot. Here's a few from the highlight of the trip, when me and Shana were both together in Florida, which unfortunately was only the case for less than 2 days.

In fact, about all I could've asked for is more time. I felt I was leaving too early, from America in general and Florida specifically. But then, I felt I was leaving every place a little too early. Of course the answer is, I'll have to come back. (I promise, I will!)
Amber and the Gitlin family's days were also spent tubing down a river, snorkeling in some springs, watching a bunch of movies, eating a lot of ice cream, doing a little bit of reorganizing, petting mookie the bunny, and general relaxing. Again, what more could I ask for (not reorganizing I guess. And maybe for weather below 100 degrees with 100% humidity)? It was tough saying goodbye, a process made more difficult by our 7am departure flight. Yuck. At least amber looked good on the plane:
Well, that was my trip to America. I'm back in Japan now, back to the grind. Amber is currently without a grind, but is in the process of looking for one. Pin the lack of her own blogs on that account. Our minds are perhaps elsewhere though, as we are discussing what is next. All we have down is that we're going to go to Australia this northern winter/southern summer. But for how long? I have 7 vacation days left after failing to make a deal with my boss. Not much of an international vacation I'm afraid. But my mind is pretty made up on this point, and I won't let my less than thrilling job stand in the way of that decision. Or perhaps my boss will give way with a little more pushing? We'll see.
In the mean time me and Amber have been having some pretty good weekends. She's got a friend/acquaintance from Aus who is quickly becoming a mini-star (one of my first conversations ever with Amber came from me asking if she heard this band Gotye, and it turns out to be this guy that she actually does know!) who came to Tokyo last weekend, and we went to see his gig Saturday night. It started super late, too late for us to take a train to a cheaper part of town for accommodation, so a guy from the Aussie embassy who was also at the gig took us in and we stayed at the most palatial apartment I've ever seen, which is made even more ridiculous by its presence in such an incredibly packed city. The next day I felt like a rock star mooch by getting into an all day rock fest for free, and then getting back stage passes for free too, all because of our somewhat loose connection to this guy Wally (aka Gotye, aka the Basics). It was a sweet deal and I got to watch some pretty big (pseudo underground) Tokyo rockers hang out "backstage" (the parking lot behind the venue) and even got to eat their food. Wish I could speak more Japanese though... Incentive to keep practicing I suppose. I also wish I took some pictures, as I don't' know when else I'll be hanging out with Tokyo rock stars. Hopefully someday though.
There is one more thing on my mind before I finish though. There has recently been a loss in the family, which is always disheartening. Even though I'm so far away, my spirit is with those who wish for its company. I'm afraid no words of mine can provide much solace, but I just want anyone who is hurt to know that my thoughts are with them.
Good night
Good night
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